Behind the eyelids, there is my heaven | We all writers and cartoonists live another world behind the our eyelids. When fairies have wrapped behind our eyelids, we draw a black curtain around the world, and we dive in another and bright places surrounded by our skull.
What is going on in my mind? It is the dream engineer’s country of dreams. Everything that is sought, missed and loved there are somethings exaggeratedly with emotion, love, compassion, honesty. And everything that is disgusted, disgusted and hated there are pain, anger, grudge, resentment and cruelty. Loneliness, fear, destruction, resurrection, crushing and renewal are the states of that country.
But there your brush and pen are the most powerful weapon, you sink pirate ships with one word and knock down the giants. And you can find maybe my, maybe your heaven!
Behind the eyelids: Democrat pharaohs,
When I close my eyes with a flicker l hide myself behind the eyelids, my ears also are closed. I don’t smell, I can’t touch anything.
However, with a complete leaving from this world, the most literary poems are placed in lines and the most beautiful words take place in the lines. You wake up from a country of dreams with a horn sound, a drill, but there are unspoken words, scratched lines, unwritten melodies in your basket.
Here are inspirational moments that makes you such a refreshing breath. You will feel the pleasure of getting rid of the chaos and worries of the world throughout your body.
Love becomes a sad song, when the wheather gets dark, it becomes horror. Giant waves by the storm hit the coast of my brain and it stops at evening and the tastes roars, overflows with a touch.
Aristocratic democrat,
It takes me a few seconds to go to Istanbul, from there to the poles, then to the depths of space, the coolness of the ocean and the bottom of the earth. Wherever you want to go whip your flying horse…
In my brain!
There is no limit for dreaming, no limit in thinking. Finding the most beautiful, the most permanent and the most effective art depends on your eyes. This is the place in my brain.
Thanks God. I can get away from this world and this country even if it is behind my eyelids. Sometimes I never want to come back!
Our GOD! Please protect our world from persecution of democrate pharaohs and aristocrat folkers! Lord also protect us from the thyranny of the ignorance and oppressors. Look at carefully the picture above! Behing the eyelids there is a dream inside the soul!